We Taste: Dark Chocolate, Molasses, Blackberries
Origin: Guatemala - Primavera Family Blend
Process: Washed
Importer: Primavera
Coffee Details:
We first started working with Primavera in 2020 and the Primavera Family Blend has become a staple of our green buying program. Like many specialty importers/exporters, Primavera must balance purchasing only high quality coffee, while also inviting as many coffee producers into the fold to hopefully encourage continued improvement. The primavera family blend is a great way for them to purchase coffees that do not quite score high enough to offer to specialty roasters as higher-priced micro-lots, but that still score high enough that they ought not be put into the commodity market. This allows Primavera to develop relationships and keep in contact with farmers that can in future years greatly increase the price they can get for their coffee with some small improvements.
And hey, some people even prefer the profile that these slightly lower scoring specialty coffees provide and we think this profile offers the perfect opportunity to roast a coffee darker in a manner we are proud of. This is a coffee that retains is structure under the pressure of a darker roast and gives bolder, darker flavors whole still highlighting what makes specialty coffee special.